"The Pack Less is an interesting project because we transport our pre-forms, the pre-form is one small tube of PET that will be blown in our factories to become the Coca-Cola PET bottle we all know of. These pre-forms are transported up to our factories mostly in cardboard boxes on wood pallets. ... read more »
John William Sevante
Supply Chain Planning Manager
at Vonpar
"We did a study with The Espaco Eco Foundation, a BASF company specializing in life cycle analysis which compared in various ways the Pack Less with wood pallets. The conclusion was that the Pack Less is better in all its dimensions: Environmental, social, consumption of materials, energy, water, air emissions, waste and risk of accidents during the production process. In all these criteria, the Pack Less was proved to be the best… On the issues of greenhouse gas, Pack Less can reduce emissions by 85% compared to the alternative of wood pallets.
... read more »
Jorge Soto
Director of Sustainable Development
at Braskem